A Letter From Klaudina – Impressive English!

Jun 16, 2014 | Students

In mid June we received a letter from Klaudina describing her life. What is so impressive about this letter is that it is the work of someone who two years ago did not speak a word of English. We have posted a series of her letters, starting with her first to us a couple of years ago. Her most recent letter is the last one. If you read these you’ll see how far she has come in just two years. This is real success for Klaudina, and for the foundation, and we are so excited to see how far she goes and what she does with her life. Klaudina is one impressive young woman, and we are so proud of her (even though all we did was pay for school—she’s the one who did all the work)! In addition, her most recent report card from her regular school was fantastic: her lowest grade was an 85 and she had two 100s (one in English, of course!).

KlaudinaLetter March 2012

092012Letter copy November 2012

082013Carta copy August 2013

201406 June 2014
