Camila lives in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and we are helping her go to a very good private school there, since her education at the public school was so poor. She graduated kindergarten from her last school, but was sad to learn that at the new school, they wanted her to go not into first grade right away, but into a “middle” grade between the two, so she could catch up and be ready for first grade. That was in August. This is a recent letter we got from her mother, Gaby:
Hola Christa como esta? espero que este bien, yo estoy muy contenta el dia de hoy, recibi una llamada de Mr. Lezama el principal de Living water academy, donde me comunicaba que han evaluado a cami y me dijo que cami esta apta para estar en 1st. grade, me dijo que cami es una niña muy madura, inteligente, y que aprendia muy rapido, me dijo que ellos en la escuela hiban a trabajar muy duro con ella para que ella se pudiera poner al mismo ritmo de sus compañeros. queria compartir esta felicidad que tengo con usted, ellos me enviaron hoy la lista de los materiales que cami necesitaria para 1st. grade, no dudo que cami sera tambien ahi una buena alumna. With love Gaby.
Translation: Hello Christa, how are you? I hope that you are well. I am very happy today, I got a call from Mr. Lezama, the principal of the Living Water Academy (Cami’s school), in which he told me that they have evaluated Cami and he told me that she is ready to be in first grade. He told me that Cami is a very mature, intelligent girl and that she learned very quickly. He said they had been working very hard with her at the school so that she could be at the same pace as the other students. I wanted to share this happiness with you. Today they sent me the list of things she needs for first grade, I have no doubt that Cami will be a good student.
We are so happy for Cami, and for Gaby! Congratulations, Cami!