
Sep 20, 2015 | Students

We have some wonderful news from Camila. Of course she finished third grade with super high marks, but that’s not the half of it. She has spent the entire summer here in the United States with her mother, the two of them visiting Camila’s aunt and uncle-in-law. She traveled to San Francisco and has seen a lot of amazing things.

We’re excited that Cami has had this opportunity, which would never have been possible without the incredible generosity of her aunt and uncle, who paid for the whole summer. While Gaby has been working on her English and on obtaining some skills that will help her find a job in Honduras, this experience has opened Camila’s world immensely, which is so very important for helping students be able to dream and reach beyond what they see in their everyday lives. Alejandra and Ryan, Cami’s aunt and uncle, have given Camila a priceless gift. We wish we could help all our students do the same thing. Maybe one day…!

We’re very excited for her! Please go to Cami’s page for the rest of the story and lots of great pictures!
