Happy Summer!

Jul 8, 2022 | Students, Organization

Hello everyone and happy summer! It has been a very long time since our last update and, as you might imagine, a lot of very newsworthy things have happened with our students. Christa just spent about 16 hours updating the website and putting in new photos, videos, and news, so please check out the pages for all the students. But here are a few highlights…

  • We have TWO new students! Emili is in 6th grade in El Sauce, Nicaragua and she has already been adopted by Karina and Raquel for the mentoring sessions that Karina runs. We’re very happy about this. Raquel and Karina are excellent mentors! And Sumira in Nepal is in grade 4 and is, by all accounts, a lovely girl, very dedicated to her studies and her family.

Emili and Raquel in one of Karina’s mentoring meetings

Sumira Hamal








  • Belen and Tatiana are both studying in the university! Belen is studying English and Tatiana is studying economics.
  • Bharosha has taken her state exam after 10th grade and we wait to find out about her results and where (and what) she will study next.
  • Roshani is about to finish 11th grade at her new college, where she is on the management track.
  • Sua is in a vocational class for accounting.
  • Jennifer Anselm is in her second semester of the university, and she is doing really well and loving it.
  • Jennifer Joseph is working helping out at an orphanage while she waits to be placed in a program for pre-school and primary school teaching.
  • Loyda had to repeat her year because she didn’t pass her piano class, but she was one of only two students given that opportunity, so it’s clear her teachers want her to succeed.
  • Bencille is graduating from her secondary school now, and we are waiting for an application from her for a post-secondary scholarship to study at the university.
  • And much, much more…!

As of this post, ONE supports 20 students, five of whom are in post-secondary studies. We are waiting to receive applications for post-secondary scholarships from Bencille, Jeni A., Jeni J., and Seyla, which would add four more to that number. In addition, we are trying to get information about Naomi and Rebecca in Uganda. We have not heard from our contacts there in over a year, but if we are still supporting them, our number rises to 26. We’d prefer not to support more than 30 students, as that number becomes a bit unmanageable for our CEO, CFO, and Website Developer – all of which are Christa.

Finally, if you see mistakes as you wander through our website, please let us know. It’s a pretty complex website, with a lot of moving parts, and Christa is not a super savvy person when it comes to websites. It’s very likely something may have shifted in all her edits, and it would be good to know!

Thanks for all your support of our lovely students. We are so proud of all of them, and we hope you are, too. You are the reason they are studying and succeeding.
