Hello, everyone! It’s almost summer here in the US, for some of our girls it’s actually winter or nearly so. But now that school here is out, we start thinking about what all our girls around the world are doing, and we wanted to give you some updates.
- To start with, we are the very honored recipients of a $1500 donation from the Nasty Women’s Art Show here in Flagstaff. It was put on by Together We Will here in Flagstaff, and they split the proceeds between ONE, Planned Parenthood of Northern Arizona, and Bicycle Relief International. We could not be prouder to be a part of this crowd, and especially to be helping raise some young women who we hope will go on to make some needed changes in their countries. Thank you, Together We Will!
- We received Mireya’s first quarter grades from Peru, and with the exception of math, she’s doing super well, so congratulations, Mireya!
- We received some great photos from Linda Maria in Honduras. She just finished first grade and she will be entering 2nd grade in August! She is still on the High Honor Roll, and she is just thriving in her school, which seems like an awfully fun place to learn. Please see her page for some more photos, but here are a few.
With her classmates and teacher (click to enlarge)
Linda Maria at the Science Fair (click to enlarge)
The old “oxygen and a flame in a bottle” trick! (click to enlarge
Flame consumes oxygen, poof! (click to enlarge)
Studying hard at home (click to enlarge)
- The news from Nepal is that all the girls have passed their years and are now in the next year of school, which is great to hear. We have posted some of their wonderful letters to us on their pages. Roshani still struggles with school, since she really doesn’t have any help at home, but we are paying for some tutoring for her this year, and we also asked our contact Subash if there was anything other than school she’d like to learn. She wants to take music classes, to learn an instrument and how to sing, so we are going to pay for that as well. We all believe very passionately that an “education” is not always just about what you learn in the classroom, and sometimes students who don’t do as well with schoolwork really light up when they have a chance to do something else. Plus, the arts are the best, right?
- You heard in past blogs that we lost Teresa to a pregnancy, and Angela dropped out of school so she can try and return to the United States. We were sad about losing these girls from the program, but we hope they’ll continue to study and work hard to improve their futures. Because there are always many girls who need help in school, we have accepted another girl from Nepal, Khusbu Pariyaar, to our program. We’ll do a whole new post about her in a couple weeks to introduce you to her. We also met with a group from the Congo that has several education initiatives going on there, and we may be able to collaborate with them to help some of their efforts. We’ll let you know if and when that happens.
So there are a lot of exciting things going on, and we continue to be hopeful and proud of our girls and how hard they are working to stay in school and succeed. it is inspiring and delightful to see all of these efforts at education happening around the world. And thanks for being a part of it!