We received a wonderful end of the year letter from Bencille in Haiti. It was written in French, but the translation is as follows:
“Dear Christa, how are you? On my end I am doing really well, thanks to you and dear celestial father Jehovah. It’s a great pleasure for me to write these words to you, to thank you for all that you are doing for me. I thank you deeply for having helped my on my educational plan. You are a true savior for my future success, because my mother didn’t know what to do to be able to pay for my school costs. Finally, I really love my school. I love the activities in school, especially sports every Friday and the way that the directors treat us in this school. Thank you, thank you, you are a true mother to me and I love you so much. May God accompany you on your path for your whole life. I thank you with my whole heart. I always thank God, mother and you and Laura for all that you have done for me. And I love you all for my whole life.”
If you remember, Bencille finished 4th grade in second place in her class, and we are really happy for her success in school. We have no doubt that she will be able to do whatever she wants to!
Roshani on the left, and Bharosha on the right in their school uniforms, July 2013 (click to enlarge)
We also received some wonderful photos from our girls in Nepal, Bharosha and Roshani. They are doing well in school, according to their teacher, and we will receive their mid-term grades soon. We are so happy for them, and hope that soon we can also give Roshani’s younger sister, Bunu a scholarship. Please check out their pages for all the photos.