We received the cutest email from Mireya, who had to set up an email account as part of a school project. We could have just translated it for you, but it was so sweet that we thought you should see it “in person.” You should enlarge it so that you can see all the great little symbols she included.
Mireya’s email message to us (click to enlarge)
Translated, this reads: “Hi Christa, I am happy to speak with you. I couldn’t communicate with John because I was really busy, and in addition, the whole week I was sick. My bones and some other things hurt, but now I am getting better. I am happy to have this scholarship, in addition later I am going to have to go eat (pictures of lots of fruits and veggies!). Yesterday I went to Tarapoto to buy clothing to go out walking. OK, Christa, at least I could come talk with you a little because today there aren’t many people in the market. I am happy and well. OK, I have to say goodbye. Blowing kisses to you. Bye!”
We’re so glad that Mireya is no longer feeling sick and we are super excited that she has her own email account now, so we can stay in touch!
And on the home front, One New Education would like to welcome into the world Astrid Olympia Heinsius, daughter of board members Ryan and Cole. Little Astrid arrived May 3, weighing in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. She’s about as cute as can be, and we are so excited for Ryan and Cole, and for Astrid, who chose some super cool parents! We hope one day Astrid can meet some of our girls and help carry on the mission to help educate girls around the world.