We have received some great news from various corners of the world. All our girls are doing well, and progressing in school, which is so good to hear!
- Prachi and Prerana in India have passed their year in school, and have advanced to 5th and 6th Standard, respectively. We are very proud of them! Please check out their pages for some photos and their grade cards.
Linda Maria with her volcano at the school’s science fair (click to enlarge)
- Linda Maria continues to do well in school in Honduras. She was recently in a science fair at her school, and it looks like she had a good time. We’ve added a lot of great photos of her in recent months on her page, please check it out!
- We’ve heard regularly from Karina, who is doing well in the university, and loving her classes. She is working and living in El Sauce and taking classes in Leon on Saturdays. Several of us are privately helping support her education, since her chosen career is a bit more expensive than others. We are so proud of her, and so glad she is enjoying her schooling!
- We received news from Guatemala that Alicia and her parents are doing very well. Alicia is getting ready to graduate in November, and we are hoping that one of us at least can go visit for the ceremony. She and her parents met with Anna, our contact there, to film a little video of thanks to us. It was really wonderful, and if we can get permission to post it, we will.
The Leadership Council from Puente de Hozhho school in Flagstaff, with board members Leslie Grabel on the left, and Christa Sadler on the right (click to enlarge)