Camila’s Report and The Girl Effect

Dec 1, 2012 | Organization, Students

Our great news this week is that Camila in Honduras has received an excellent report from her school, and is now in the Honor Group of students – felicidades, Cami! Here is a copy of her report card. Look at all those E’s for Excellent! My mother would have loved if I could have done that when I was a little girl!

Camila’s November 2012 Report Card (click to enlarge)


We also wanted you to see this wonderful video that’s been making the rounds. It is an excellent and simple look at the importance of educating girls in the developing world. Please also go to our “About” page and look at the wonderful video there by “It Takes a Girl.” We learned a couple weeks ago that Ana Regina, the beautiful young lady who inspired this whole organization, is indeed pregnant. She is 15 years old. She dropped out of school back in May, and we were pretty much expecting this news any day. But it’s still disappointing, and such an important example of what happens to young girls in these countries when they drop out of school. There is not much else to do, and it is hard to blame them. But we want to help stop this cycle if we can, even just one girl at a time. Both these videos needs to be shared widely, so feel free! And thank you…
