Greetings and Happy Holidays, from ONE New Education!
Thank you so much for your past support. As we move towards the end of our sixth year, we are more grateful than ever for those of you who want to help girls around the world get an education, whether it’s through ONE or through another organization.
It’s been an exciting year for us and for our girls. Here are some highlights:
- On December 3, 2016, Karina Martinez from El Sauce, Nicaragua became the very first student to graduate from high school through our program! Karina is such a lovely person, and she is excited to go on to the university.
- Tatiana and Alondra, also from El Sauce, have graduated from 6th grade and are on their way to secondary school!
- We accepted several new scholarship applicants, including Prerana and Prachi from India, Amrita from Nepal, Elizabeth from Nicaragua, and Linda Maria from Honduras. We are now providing partial or complete scholarships for 27 girls in ten countries!
- Our girls in Tanzania have passed their exams to enter secondary school, and will be starting in February, which is very exciting. All of them are now thriving and doing beautifully.
- Our board now consists of five members. In addition to Christa and Alex, we have been joined by Meghan Haslam, Janeece Henes, and Birgit Buss. All of these women have incredible skills and experience, and are a huge asset to the foundation.
- We will be taking on an intern soon to help with some of the basic computer work, updating our Facebook page, and other things. We have applications from students from FALA, and our new intern will start with the beginning of the new semester.
We are able to keep in touch with most of our contacts and girls via Skype, WhatsApp, or emails. Using personal funds, Christa has been able to visit some of the girls each year to watch their progress and to deepen our connection. She just returned from a trip to Central America, where she was joined by Meghan and Janeece. It was wonderful to introduce some of our girls to more of the board (as well as see Karina graduate from high school!).
We are still an all-volunteer organization managed from Christa’s home office. This past year the Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy held two fundraisers for us. The National Honor Society students held a winter fair to raise money for Naume in Uganda, and in February ONE, FALA, and the Flagstaff Freethinkers held the “Dance Party for ONE and All” benefit, in which we auctioned off chairs decorated by community artists and students, and we all enjoyed music and dance presented by several different groups. We are so grateful for their efforts and help, and we look forward to future fundraisers with these talented people.
Our current annual budget is $17,000. We are proud that eighty-five percent of this goes directly to our scholarship recipients. We have applied for a small local grant and are waiting to hear the decision, but all the non-profit strategists with whom we have spoken believe that you, the individual private donor, is still our strongest support and most powerful ally in accomplishing our work. We will be working to get the word out to schools, businesses and other organizations that are interested in learning more.
Our budget needs will be increasing in the coming year. Many of our girls are now in high school, which means more expensive tuitions. Some have to be in boarding schools, which are very expensive. So we hope that all of you will continue to support us and help find more donors in your circle of friends, family, and coworkers.
How You Can Help
- Pass the word! Most of our supporters are friends who have been introduced by someone who knows our work. Next time you’re chatting with a friend or family member, please tell them a little about our organization, and point them towards our website: We may also be able to travel to you to speak with a group. If you know a business that would be willing to have a stack of our brochures available, we’d be happy to send you some to pass around. You can also sign up for, or point someone else to our blog. The link to sign up appears on every page of our website. If there is a new post, it will come to you on Tuesday mornings. If there are no new postings, you will not receive an email from us. We do not send regular mail, nor do we give your name to anyone.
- Be a Benefactor. Some of our girls have Benefactors who pay for their school costs every year. When possible, we put these people in contact with the girls, and act as a go-between for letters and other communication. It’s a great way to develop a personal connection as a real person who cares about her and wants to see her succeed (not just money coming from “somewhere”).
- Donate! As the year draws to a close, consider donating (or donating again!) to One New Education. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your donation is deductible to the fullest extent of the law. If you know an organization, business or foundation that is looking for a place to donate, please put us in touch with them. You can be assured that all donations will be used exactly as it says on our website: “To provide educational opportunities…ONE girl at a time.”
We are so excited to be moving forward and helping more girls—all with your help. We can’t thank you enough, and we look forward to a long and rewarding relationship with all of you, and with all of our girls. We wish you the best for the holiday season.
Christa Sadler, Alex Mowl, Janeece Henes, Meghan Haslam, and Brigit Buss
One New Education
P.O. Box 22130
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
(928) 380-3359
El Diploma de Hazel Karina Martinez Martinez (click to enlarge)