Angela is doing well in school; she still has a middle 80s average, which is pretty impressive. This is her last year in “lower” high school, and she will need to take a test to determine what school she goes to for her last two years, so her grades are important this year. We got some great photos from our contact Miriam of some projects that Angela has done in school. We share a few here, but for all of them, please go to her page and see what she’s working on!
A color cube for design class (click to enlarge)
A project for history class about World War II (click to enlarge)
Architectural drawings for design class (click to enlarge)
In other news, Bencille is still doing really well in school. Her latest report card has her in third place in her class! Unfortunately, we heard recently from our contact Claudine that Bencille has been sick and has been unable to attend school for a few weeks. We are working on finding out what is going on and if we can help.
The girls in Tanzania are taking their final exams for the mid-year before their one month summer break, so we will keep our fingers crossed that they all do very well and we’ll let you know. In the meantime, we did receive a couple of nice letters from Jeni Anselm and Winnie Leonard. Here’s one of Winnie’s letters, and to read the rest, please visit their pages.
Stay tuned for lots more news in the future!