ONE’s Latest Info

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Below is the latest information and news from One New Education…

Welcome 2016!

Happy New Year, everyone! We have been receiving report cards, letters and photos from our girls, whether for the middle of the year or the end of the year, and it’s been wonderful to see their progress. Here are a few highlights.

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Another Year Flies By…

It’s crazy to imagine that another year is ending; it seems like just yesterday that we started this organization and in March of 2016, we will be five years old! In that time, some of our girls have had to leave for various reasons, we’ve learned a lot about how to do all of this, we’ve developed a small but (we hope!) loyal following of donors and Benefactors for some of our girls, and we have helped almost 30 young ladies stay in school and continue studying for their dreams.

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Just Had to Share…

Sua, the cumplidora in September's parade (click to enlarge) Sua did so well in school for the first semester that she was chosen to participate in this year's September parade as part of the Vanguard, the...

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Lovely Lovely Karina

We have been in touch with Karina through Facebook and she is just doing so well and growing up to be such a lovely young woman, we just couldn’t be happier. She has figured out how to study in her Saturday-only classes, which is very challenging, and she’s doing really well in her school this year so far.

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Our Girls in Nicaragua AND a Great Salt Lake City Event!

The girls in Nicaragua are doing beautifully! We received their midterm report cards and letters, and it is wonderful to hear from them. They all sound happy and excited, and no wonder. Almost all of them got to participate in the annual September parade this year because of their performance in school! Plus, we received word that a group in Salt Lake City is holding a big Halloween party and donating their proceeds to the foundation! Read on for more information…

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Meet Prachi Manoj Devre

In an earlier blog post, we mentioned that we had taken on a new girl from India, since Guddi’s family decided to leave and move to another part of the city, and Aarti could no longer help her. Originally, Aarti asked us to help a girl named Sangami Manoj Devre, and we accepted her. It turns out that another man in India wanted to help pay for Sangami’s education, so we have accepted her younger sister, Prachi.

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We have some wonderful news from Camila. Of course she finished third grade with super high marks, but that’s not the half of it. She has spent the entire summer here in the United States with her mother, the two of them visiting Camila’s aunt and uncle-in-law. She traveled to San Francisco and has seen a lot of amazing things.

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When One Door Closes…

It seems that circumstances are conspiring so that some of the people involved with our organization have had to leave, which is sad, but definitely understandable. Our board members Ryan and Cole Heinsius have decided that the demands of having a small baby and two full careers, plus trying to keep their sanity, mean that they have had to leave the board. We are sorry to see them go, and we most certainly understand. They assure us that they will remain involved, so we’ll hold them to it! Luckily for us, there are a couple of amazing women who have joined our board and we are already getting some great ideas and feedback from them!

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